1. Consultation process.  We offer two free consultations.  In the event that we need more meetings, we charge consultation fees for additional meetings.

2. Chapter 7: The Court charges a $335 filing, and we ask that you pay this by certified check or money order.  With attorney fees, for a simple consumer case, the fee is usually $1,200-$1,400.  For a more complex case, the fees can range $1,400-$2,000.  The fee is case-specific and may vary depending on the complexity of the case and/or the number of appointments.

3. Chapter 13:  The Court charges a $310 filing fee, and we ask that pay this by certified check or money order. Unlike Chapter 7, in a Chapter 13 the Court controls the fees for traditional consumer cases.  We ordinarily charge a portion of the fee up front in traditional consumer case (usually $300-$1,000), and the balance is paid through the court repayment plan.  The total fee for a typical consumer case is set by the court at $4,500.  For more involved cases, the fee is determined by the attorney and must be approved by the Court.